Become a BrightFlame Champion

Help your friends become a Bestselling Author and get rewarded.

Our Champions

Our Champions are trusted influencers and experts who know that making the right recommendations is critical to building powerful relationships and a strong brand.

We've worked with dozens of Authors, and our founder, Rob Cuesta, has helped thousands of coaches, consultants, and professionals over the years, but there's a whole wide world of experts who should be writing a book but don't know that we're here to help them.

Enter our Champions.

Like Rob, you've connected with many people over the course of your career who have a powerful message, and deep experience and knowledge to share with the world. The best way for us to connect with these potential Authors is to be introduced by someone they respect and trust.

We'd love that someone to be you, and our Champion Program makes it easy for you to be rewarded for spreading the word about what we do to the right people in your network.

Collaborative Writing Referral

Our proven interview-based writing program. We interview the expert, and we write, edit, publish, and launch the book to Bestseller status.

Up to $2,500 Referral Fee

Done-With-You Bestseller Referral

Our 12-month group coaching program to support authors through the writing, publishing and launch of their book.

Up to $1,250 Referral Fee

BrightFlame Publishing Referral

For authors who have a finished manuscript, but need our help with editing and getting it ready for publication.

$200-$1,000 Referral Fee

Champion FAQs

Here are some of the most common questions we get about the BrightFlame Champions Program.

When you sign up as a Champion, you'll be given a unique referral link to use.

There are multiple ways to share your link with your contacts to make an introduction.

  1.  Send an email to both your contact and our referral team ( including your referral link.
  2. Send the link to your contact by email. The link will take them to our calendar where they can schedule a free consultation.
  3. Share your unique link on social media, your website, blog, or anywhere you have connections to potential authors who could benefit from having a Bestselling Book to grow their business.
  4. Invite our CEO, Rob Cuesta, to be a guest on your podcast or webinar, or speak at a virtual event or summit.
  5. Mention us on your podcast, webinar, or at a live or virtual event.

From experience, our most successful Champions are the ones who build early momentum by making a successful referral in their first 30 days.

And of course, if you have other ideas on how to promote us, we're happy to discuss them with you. We're always open to fun, innovative approaches. So, let us know what you have in mind!

There's no obligation for you to be a client of ours. 

Of course, it's very persuasive, when you introduce someone, to be able to say, "Here are the guys who helped me write and publish my book." That said, as long as you know people who might be great potential authors, we'd love to talk to you!

If you're wondering whether someone would be a good fit for us, ask yourself the following:

  1. Do they have real credibility in their field based on knowledge, experience, and expertise?
  2. Would that knowledge, experience, and expertise help others?
  3. Do they have an established business or are they launching a business based on their experience?
  4. Would they be able to invest in our programs and services?

Our services aren't for everyone. There are ghostwriters overseas who will write something for a few hundred dollars, and there are ghostwriters out there who won't touch the keyboard for less than $100,000.

Our clients are busy professionals who don't have the time to write a book themselves, or may not have the writing skills, and who are happy to invest to have professionals take care of the full writing and publishing process for them. 

That writing and publishing process is complex and requires skill and experience, both of which carry a cost, just as our clients charge more than many of their competitors to reflect their level of experience, skill and knowledge.

We happen to believe that our fees represent excellent value for the standard of service we provide. However, we recognize that the investment only makes sense if there's a clear path to monetize the book, which is why we only work with business owners, and we have a detailed conversation with everyone first to make sure our programs are right for them. And if they're not, we will gently let them know.

Our referral commission reflects the level of investment your contact makes.

  • $2,500 for the one-on-one Collaborative Writing Package
  • $1,250 for the Done-With-You Bestseller group coaching program
  • $200-$1,000 for our Publishing services

Commissions are paid out 30 days after your referral has settled 50% of their total investment (typically after 4 to 6 months). You don't need to do anything: as soon as payment is due, we'll send it using details you provide when you join the Champions Program.

Certainly. We'll consider any suggestions on their merits - we just want to make sure that it works for you, for your referrals, and for us!

Become a Champion

We're looking for trusted partners with a community, audience, connections, or sphere of influence that could benefit from becoming Bestselling Authors, and who want to introduce them to us.

Simply click the button below to schedule a short call to discuss whether were a good fit.