If You've Already Written Your Book, We Can Help You Get it Out to the World
We do what we do best
So you can focus on what you do best
You’ve Poured Love, Energy and Effort into Writing Your Book.
Shouldn’t You Give it the Best Start Possible?
Have you already written your book but you’re not sure how to get it out into the world with the best chances of not just selling copies, but also growing your business?
We have a range of done-for-you publishing and book launch programs that will help get your book online, selling and driving people to your business. These are exactly the same techniques we use with our BrightFlame collaborative-authoring clients to ensure their success and turn them into international bestselling authors.
Get My Book
You've written your book, but now you're feeling stuck and overwhelmed trying to get it finished.
You know you need an attention-grabbing cover and a layout that looks as good as if it had come from a New York publishing house, and you've got to get it set up to sell on Amazon, but you don't know where to start.
Let us take the guesswork out of completing your project!
Get My Book
Into Print
If you want to (re)launch your book and start driving sales, let us create your launch platform.
We'll get your book in print and set up a sales funnel that brings you readers and (more importantly) lets you turn them into clients.
Plus you'll get three months of support from Rob in growing your business as a member of our How Experts Get Clients Mastermind Program.
Make Me
a Bestseller
Ready for the Major Leagues? We'll turn you into a Bestselling Author and Celebrity Expert.
Our top level package includes everything you need to build a loyal tribe of followers to spread your message, and to get media attention.
Plus you'll get a full year of ongoing support from Rob in growing your business as a member of our How Experts Get Clients Mastermind Program.
Still Wondering If This Is For You?
Not sure if this is right for you, or if it will work for your book? Reserve your package (any level) now and if, during the initial Strategy Consultation, you or Rob decide this isn't exactly what you need, we'll refund your investment in full, no questions asked.
Rob's STANDOUT Bestseller Guarantee
OK, this is Rob's boldest guarantee ever, but we've done this so many times, we know we can do it for you. If you choose our TITANIUM BESTSELLER LAUNCH option and, for some bizarre reason, your book doesn't become an Amazon Bestseller in its category, we'll rerun it at a later date. If it still doesn't make it, we'll refund your money in full, no questions asked. You get to keep your cover design, the fully formatted interior files, the funnels we built: everything! We're putting everything on the line because we are so confident in our ability to get you there.